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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Blood Moons and the nation of Israel

Since the beginning of this year, I have been wanting to write a quick and simple blog about the series of blood moons that are happening in 2014 and 2015 and their link to the nation of Israel but I have kept putting it off. Until now.

Hope I can make it as readable as possible because it is very interesting.

On what dates are the four blood moons set to occur in 2014 and 2015?

There is a tetrad of blood moons taking place in 2014 and 2015. “Tetrad” means “a group of four.” So that is two blood moons per year for two years.

Every single one of these four blood moons is occurring on the date of an important Jewish Holy day:
1. The first one is on the 4th of April 2014 which is the first feast day of the Jewish Passover.
2. The second is on the 8th of October 2014which is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
3. The third is on the 4th of April 2015 which is again the Jewish Passover.
4. And the fourth is on the 28th of September 2015 –which is the Feast of tabernacles

When a set of four blood moons occurs over two years with each one occurring on a Jewish Holy day, this is called a “Biblical Tetrad.”

How many Biblical Tetrads have there been before this one in 2014/2015?

Since 1AD, a Biblical Tetrad has occurred on these holy days a total of seven times.  In 2014-2015, it will be the 8th time. After this, it will not occur again for another 500 years. 

What has happened during the previous Biblical Tetrads?

In the past, the rare appearance of four blood moons on these Jewish holy days have always coincided with major events for Israel and the Jewish people. Let’s look at the last three Biblical Tetrads:

The Biblical Tetrad of 1493 – 1494 

In the year before this Biblical Tetrad, the Spanish Inquisition issued decrees enforcing that all Jewish people either convert or leave Spain. As a result, thousands upon thousands of Jews were heavily persecuted and forced to leave Spain. In the very same year that Spain issued the decree banishing Jewish people, Christopher Columbus founded America – which later became a safe-haven for many Jewish people.

The Biblical Tetrad of 1949 -1950 

In the year before this Biblical Tetrad, the State of Israel was established following the holocaust and Israel became its own nation. A very big day on the biblical calendar because it fulfils many scriptures where God promised that He will draw his people back together from all the corners of the earth and make them a nation once again. This is the only time in history that a nation has been scattered and countryless and then gathered back together and given back its land and independence. There are many, many scriptures where God prophesied that this would happen:

Jeremiah 30:1-31:40 “The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you. For behold, days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will restore the fortunes of my people, Israel and Judah, says the Lord, and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall take possession of it.”

Isaiah 43:5-6 “Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you. I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth”

Amos 9:14-15 “I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,” says the Lord your God.”

Deuteronomy 30:3 “Then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.”

Isaiah 11:12 ESV  “He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”

These are just a few scriptures, but they show to us that when God gathered together the Israelites and gave them back their nation in one day, it was in direct fulfillment of his promise to them.

Then right after Israel became a nation, a military coalition of Arab states and forces declared war on Israel. Unbelievably, this brand new, tiny nation won the war against this big, strong coalition of surrounding states and as a result, retained the area that the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 had recommended for the proposed Jewish State and also took control of almost 60% of the area allocated for the proposed Arab state. And a Biblical Tetrad marked the occasion.

The Biblical Tetrad of 1967 and 1968

In 1967, the Six Day War against Israel occurred. In spite of heavy attacks from its neighbouring countries, Israel won decisively within a period of six days - a significant event in Jewish history and once again marked by the Biblical Tetrad.

So what does that mean about these blood moons set to occur in 2014 and 2015?

I don’t know. But what I do know is that if history is anything to go by, a Biblical Tetrad of blood moons occurring on the Jewish holy days in 2014 and 2015 is something to sit up and take note of.

History has shown that every single time there is a tetrad of blood moons that fall on important dates in the Jewish Calendar and specifically the Passover, something very bad happens against Israel and God delivers them from whatever happens. 

God says specifically in Genesis 1 v 14 "Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years."

Acts 2v20, Joel 2v31 and Rev 6v12 all speak very specifically about blood moons and say that they will occur “before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.”

Prophesies about future events

With regard to the events still to take place in Israel, there are many prophecies in scripture about what has happened and what is still going to happen.

In Zeccharia 12 v 2 God said "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." 

Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 reveal a detailed prophecy about a future war campaign against Israel. This war is referred to as the Gog Magog war. The Bible lists the countries that are going to join in alliance against Israel. In recent years, those countries have already started forming the alliance referred to in scripture.

The book of Daniel refers to the coming peace treaty with Israel and the involvement of the antichrist. And the book of Revelation tells more of what will happen during the time.

Romans 11 tells us that Israel will be saved! (Romans 11 is a really interesting chapter to read).

There is just too much to say on the subject of Israel. As you start to go through the scriptures. Israel is everywhere – in the old and new testament - which tells us that it is a subject that is very close to God’s heart. As Christians, we must watch carefully as Biblical prophecies come to pass in Israel. We see clearly in scripture that nothing that happens in and to Israel is random to God.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I've changed my vote in this upcoming election

There are two things you need to note about this blog before going in so you are not sorry to have wasted your time reading it :)

1) It is aimed at people who value their freedom of religion and freedom of expression, and

2) I’m a Christian so the views expressed herein are in line with my beliefs.

As most of us are now aware, the Human Rights Commission of South Africa has recently been pushing at the boundaries of freedom of religion and freedom of expression in South Africa. There is a recent case where they have taken on a church in the Western Cape for preaching out of the bible that parents can use moderate spanking as a form of discipline for their children. 

In spite of the fact that:

 1) moderate parental spanking is not illegal in South Africa so the church was in no way breaking the law, and

 2) the church was preaching in accordance with scripture and thereby exercising religious freedom,

the HRC nevertheless opened an investigation against the church and there is a real current threat of a law on the cards in South Africa which states that churches, synagogues, mosques and any other religious institutions may not preach (amongst other things) any portions of their scripture which advocate discipline by spanking. For those of us that don’t believe in spanking, this may seem like a small thing – but the issue at stake here is not spanking. The issue at stake is religious freedom and the state being able to veto what can and can’t be preached in any pulpit, which in effect gives the state the power to outlaw portions of scripture. Spanking may be the first issue, but when the state starts to legislate what can and cannot be preached out of the Bible, Torrah, Quran or any other religious book, this is not something to be taken lightly.

Another two subjects where the state has threatened to curb freedom of expression and religious conviction are those of abortion and homsexuality. The state does not want any religious institution to be able to preach in its own pulpit that abortion or homosexuality is a sin. At this point some people’s backs get up, but again the issue is not whether you are for these things or against them. The issue is - are you allowed the freedom of conscience to be for or against them. Are you permitted to exercise your religious belief or conscience without the state interfering and saying that you may not preach out of certain portions of your scripture. It is easy to get side-tracked by the issues but the real issue is the freedoms that are currently at stake. 

State interference into religion, belief and conscience is a slippery slope. It may start with an issue that causes you to say “Thank God the State is interfering there and curbing that freedom!” But sooner or later an issue of conscience that is close to your heart will come up, and if the state has already set a precedent of being able to curb the freedom of belief and conscience of its people, it is very difficult to reverse that precedent. 

Recently, in Cape Town a man was arrested for imparting his beliefs that abortion is wrong. He did so in a non-violent way, merely exercising his freedom of belief and expression and was taken to court  for doing so. The question is – Should a government agency have the power to curb the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of expression? Freedom of expression does not mean we like or agree with what other people are saying. You may hate what I’m saying, but you should value my right to say it – because as long as my freedom of expression is alive, so is yours. Voltaire summed it up nicely when he said "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." 

At the moment, there are too many examples of state intervention into religious freedom to even mention and the number is growing everyday. So much so that last year, the religious institutions of South Africa felt the need to join hands across religions and say “No more.” The forming of the body known as “Religious Freedom SA” and the fact that it has in a very short space of time grown in number to represent about twelve million South Africans of different faiths should tell us two things:

1) the threat is real, and

2) South Africans are thankfully not going to take it lying down.

When I vote, these are my important factors (we all have different factors which we take into account but these are mine... because this is my blog - lol):

1) Which party is doing the most to try and protect the freedom of all religions in South Africa? 

2) Which party is anti-abortion? This is a personal one for me and I don’t expect everyone to feel the same but my personal belief and logic is as follows: I believe that the taking of a life is murder. I’ve held that belief since I was two bricks high and I first found out about the concept of a baby being killed inside its mother’s womb. I actually won our school’s public speaking competition at the tender age of eleven taking on this very heavy subject, so it is something that is close to my heart and has been for a long time. I don’t believe that you can say that it is acceptable to kill a baby at 24 weeks (like our law does) but not at 25 weeks. Was there a “magic fairy dust” moment between 24 and 25 weeks that suddenly makes the baby worthy of the right to life? The lack of logic astounds me. If a baby is a baby at 25 weeks then it was a baby at 24 weeks, and 23 weeks, and 22 weeks… I’ve seen a scan at twelve weeks and I saw a full little body with every little part already formed. I saw the baby moving and I heard its little heartbeat so no-one can tell me that a 12 week old baby is not alive. In my second pregnancy, they put a little shocking device on my stomach to test my baby’s reaction in the womb and see if she was okay. I will never forget as the little shocker went off, I watched her heart rate climb as the fear came over her. She felt the shock and she felt the fear and her little heart rate skyrocketed. Pro-abortionists like to call these little people “tissue” in order to mask the reality of what is really happening, but if little fully-formed human beings are merely tissue, then I have three little balls of tissue running around my home, each of which I would’ve had the right under South African law to kill in the womb if had I wanted to do that. The point I am making is I personally believe abortion to be murder of the most innocent and vulnerable members of our society. The law states that if you are willingly involved with a crime or if you know about it and do nothing, you are an accomplice to that crime. So if I vote for a party that supports what I believe to be murder, then I’m an accomplice to every little life that is taken and there are approximately 80000 taken every year in South Africa. So I personally cannot vote for any party that supports abortion.

3) Which party, although not advocating any particular religion holds firm to Judeo-Christian values and will govern upon those values for the good of ALL people regardless of their religion?

4) Which party is free of corruption and will tackle corruption head on?

5) Which party is a friend to Israel - Again, this is a personal factor for me as a Christian and is quite important to me in deciding how I vote. 

Those are my five "must-haves". We all have different ones but, as a Christian, those are mine. As far as I know, there is only one party that ticks all these blocks so that will be the party I vote for. 

I have in the past always voted DA because logic told me “We need one strong opposition party in South Africa.” It never actually occurred to me that in South Africa, the parties rule by proportional representation. The South African system is not a “first past the post” system meaning that the winner takes all and the losers wait for the next election. In South Africa, the number of votes any party gets is directly proportionate to that party’s seats in parliament and ultimately its voice in parliament. It’s actually a wonderful system because all the minorities are heard, from the EFF to the FF. All of them will get their proportionate number of seats in parliament and will get to have their say on the bills that get passed in this country. The EFF will no doubt provide the left voice, the FF will provide the right voice, the IFP will bring the Zulu voice, the DA will bring the liberal voice and the ACDP will bring the Judeo-Christian voice. Every seat each of these parties get, makes their voice louder in parliament. The logic of “Vote for the strongest opposition” would apply in a “first past the post” country but it does not apply in a “proportional representation” country. In a proportional representation country, every person can and should vote their conscience. I think the only question one should ask before voting is: “Which party holds the same values I do so I can be sure they will bring my voice to the halls of parliament?” 

I remember Diana Ross saying once “Every decision is made either out of fear, or out of faith.” As a Christian, a fear-based decision will be “I need to vote for the strongest opposition.” A faith based decision will be “If God can work through a donkey, then He can work mightily through a few upright men in parliament.” Like I heard someone saying last night “One person plus God is a majority”. So this is the first time that my vote will be about conscience more than strategy. When I stand in that voting booth, I know I am not going to be alone in there and I will stand account for where I put my X.

The reason I’ve written this blog is not to enforce my views on anyone but to encourage you to vote your conscience in this election (whatever that may be) and to make sure you know the policies of all the parties before putting your X down. That is all.