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Thursday, July 8, 2010

From the mouths of Babes

Christian was playing Mario Brothers on the computer earlier on and I noticed he was not moving Mario around at all. He was just letting Mario stand in the corner of the screen. So I said “Christian, why is Mario just standing still and not doing anything?” He said “Because no baddies go to that corner, so if he just stands still over there, nothing bad can happen to him.”

This got me thinking and I said “But Christian, I know you’re safe in that corner but are you having fun? Are you getting any further in the game? Are you learning new things about the game?" to which he replied no. So I said, “Well then I suggest you get back in the game, move Mario forward, jump over whatever obstacles you need to get over and if the baddies get him, at least you had fun and you tried.” So my handsome little boy started playing again.

And that’s what I’ve decided... Stay in the game, roll with the punches and move forward and if I go out, so be it. Hovering in the corner of life so that you don’t make any mistakes is for the birds. He who never made a mistake, never made ANYTHING!